"I have a friend who tried our laser while visiting us. He had an old sports injury that had caused him pain daily for 20 years. After one hour on the laser he has been pain-free."
-Barbara F.

"I was in an automobile accident a few months ago and was prescribed medication for the inflammation and pain by a doctor. The medication gave me very bad side effects and was not effective. A friend loaned me her scaler wave laser for 2 days, and I had such wonderful relief that I had to order my own. I have used it every day since I received it, I and truly love my laser!"
-Victoria M.

"A woman came to see me with severe pain and physical limitation. She is on disability from a career in journalism because she has been unable to write, use the computer, or travel for several years. After a one-hour session, she was able to move her frozen shoulder for the first time in years. Her pain has improved from 8 out of 10 to a 2. She has not used any pain medication since, and is now full of life after two weeks."
-Valentina K
"When I first experienced Scalar Wave energy, I was so impressed with how I felt … it just worked. Then, when I found an actual handheld laser that I could use directly on my personal physical challenges, I was THRILLED.
The payoff was when my chiropractor actually used this particular laser on me, I experienced IMMEDIATE results and just had to have my own.
On the first day I received the Sacred Scalar Laser, I had a very bad reaction to some food. What would normally take days and weeks to recover from actually took hours with this amazing device."
-Jennifer McLean, Internationally acclaimed author, healer, and creator of The Body Dialog system of healing, Jennifer is the founder of the international online teleseminar series “Healing With the Masters.”

"While caring for my beautiful mother in the last months of her life, I developed a heel spur. I suffered with this terribly painful condition for 5 long months. Shortly after receiving my laser in November ’09, it took only 3 sessions on the heel area and the condition has totally disappeared! My experience with the laser continues to be a journey towards rejuvenation and regeneration that has me very excited! The Scalar Wave Laser is an empowering tool that allows the body to “unwind,” delete stress, receive energy for repair and to reach the blissful state of 'Still Point.' Let There Be Light!"
-Cindy R.

"As a practitioner, I see a variety of client issues. Some resolve or diminish over time, but others are much faster. My nextdoor neighbor hurt herself falling off a horse. For two weeks she resisted her husband’s suggestions that she try the laser since it had helped alleviate his own back pain. Finally, she could not believe that after one session her pain was completely gone and never came back!"
- Libbie H.
"Paul and Lillie are natural healers. That's a beautiful and rare thing to find. They have a true calling, which is to heal mankind. I got one of their very first lasers about ten years ago. At that time, I had several health issues, including vocal cord problems. If it hadn't been for my laser, there were many times when I wouldn't have been able to perform. I also had knee replacement surgery, and the laser helped immensely with swelling, pain, and cartilage re-growth. My doctor was very impressed with how quickly I healed. I was on the operating table one week, and the very next week I was traveling to Africa to do a show."
-Chaka Khan, legendary Grammy-winning singer, songwriter, and activist

"The very first day I received my laser, I happened to be visiting with a friend who had broken his arm and sprained his wrist. He had his arm suspended and had been taking medications for pain for over a month. He still had inflammation and the healing process was very slow. I tried the laser on his arm, and within about eight minutes he felt such relief from the pain that he didn’t need to take his medications for a few days. He now keeps begging me to use the laser for all sorts of problems."
- Meredith R.

"The laser has had an amazing result on my toe, which was infected by a rusted nail. Last July, my doctor wanted to amputate my toe. I told him no, saying that the laser would heal the wound. He was very upset with me. I told him it is my body and to leave me with it - I will take care. Now it is healed. My doctor was amazed, as were my own patients."
- Dr. C.B., Canada
"I sustained a ‘complex medial meniscus tear.’ That's when I got to try out the laser. Within a few weeks, there was a significant change, simply from using the "Unwind"protocol. Now I have no pain at all and was able to avoid surgery."
-Shiva Rea, renowned vinyasa yoga teacher and author of Tending the Heart Fire

"About a year ago I was having problems with my lower back and legs, caused by a narrowing of the spinal canal. Affecting the L4&5 spinal vertebras, causing the nerves, specifically the sciatic nerve, to be pinched, causing at times various levels pain and disability in my legs and lower back. I was prescribed several medications ranging from morphine, codeine, and many other pharmaceuticals to little success. I was introduced to the Scalar Wave Laser in October 2009. Since then I have been able to eliminate the need for these pharmaceuticals. The Scalar Wave Laser has reduced my discomfort, and I have a greater range of motion, greater physical peace, and better rest. Thank you Paul & Lillie."
-Peter & Bambi

"I like to sit with my feet under me, but it causes severe pain in my knee. I grabbed the Scalar Wave and used the "Rejuv" and "Soothe" programs for 12 minutes each. The pain left and has not come back for nearly four months. I now use it on a more regular basis just to keep the pain away.
-Shirley R.

"The second time I was exposed to the laser I had a wonderful result with hip pain that I had in my right hip for over three years. It felt great to finally be free of this pain, as it had affected my sleep, my endurance, my mood, and my overall well being. I continue to use the laser for my family and myself, and also in my practice.
One of the things I really like about this laser is the transportability. I throw it in my purse like a cell phone, and use it and share it wherever I go. I did a 60-mile walk with 150 other women this summer, and I carried my laser with me and used it all along the way. I credit the laser for my being able to finish the walk in a healthier state than I would have without it."
-Dianne P.

"My mother-in-law has a frozen shoulder as well as major arthritis. She has not really been able to use her arm. After her first session she felt pain-free and was actually able to use her arm to help pull herself out of bed the next morning.
-George C.

"I made the decision to purchase my laser in 2009 after seeing a dramatic change in my brother. He drives truck for a living and came home with his back all jammed. He had one session that lasted approximately 1.5 hours. Upon getting off the table, I saw that his color had change completely. I could see in the days after that session that not only was the pain reduced by 90%, his whole personality changed. He was happier and calmer.
-Laurie S.

"A 78-year -old friend of mine hurt her foot about 21 years ago. When it happened, her right foot ended up twisted backwards under her leg. This caused a major leg and groin injury as well. She was not able to feel her foot properly. It was numb and felt “leathery.” After using the Scalar Wave Laser on her foot and the red probe on her leg, she experienced amazing pain relief.
Two weeks after I bought the laser, I tore the meniscus in my knee and was in extreme pain and could not bend or put pressure on it. I used the laser on my knee every day. Within four days, my knee felt 85% better, and in one week, 90% better! After two weeks, the pain was 99% gone and no longer required pain medication or surgery. I was amazed!
-Jane S.

"My name is Martin and I have been involved with “energy medicine” for many years. I have had the pleasure of giving and sharing my gifts with those people who are open to another method to assist their bodies natural healing rather than relying only on mainstream medicine. There is a great need for both!
In June 2009, I had surgery on my left knee for torn meniscus ligaments and arthritis damage. It really hurt BEFORE the surgery! After the surgery it only seemed to get WORSE. I have a demanding job and walk a lot throughout the day. As more time passed, things did not improve. To get through the day or to sleep at night, it was common for me to take 21 milligrams of melatonin AND 100-150 milligrams of Demerol for the pain.
In January 2010, my wife and I attended a presentation on lasers in Regina, Saskatchewan. The day of the presentation, I had taken nothing for the pain, and during the session my left knee started to hurt. The pain level went from a 7 to a 12. Then it really started hurting to the point where the knee went completely numb. It hurt so badly that I had tears in my eyes and almost wanted to cut it off. Yes really, that did go through my mind.
One of the organizers of the session let me use one of the demo lasers. After approximately 15 minutes, the pain level went down to an eight! (I was willing to keep the leg at that point.) Then I had an opportunity to have a one-hour treatment session with another friend. Going into that session, I was at 7-8 pain level. Upon leaving the session the level of pain was approximately 4.
In February 2010, Gisele and I attended a session with Paul at the Regina Inn, and I used the laser and probes for a long period of time. Going into the weekend, my pain level was at 7-8. After using and working with them, the pain level went to a 2!
By using the lasers, my stress level from the pain has dropped a lot. My wife has noticed a HUGE difference in me. There is more I could share about my knee and the lasers, but enough is enough! Try the lasers. The only thing you may lose is the pain.
-Martin C.
Aloha ...
Take a deep breath in ... and rest here ...
in the space between the breath ... You have arrived ...
... Welcome to the Stillpoint