Drop in and rest here in the space between the breath.
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Unwind and dissolve into Stillpoint.

"I learned Stillpoint from a yogi in India. He said that there are only two things in the universe: karma and love.
"I interpret this differently: there is polarity and then there is neutrality.
Paul Weisbart

Imagine resting in the space between the breath; the neutral essence of this universe. Instantly becoming one with the true calling of a secret known previously only to yogis and mystics: Stillpoint.
Paul Weisbart is the creator of the Stillpoint Process and shares the message of Stillpoint through technology and trainings that are changing the way we see our universe
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"Paul and Lillie are true healers."
Chaka Khan

Learn how using the cutting-edge Scalarwave Laser for just a few relaxing minutes each day can give you relief, rejuvenation, ease, and joy.
That is EXACTLY what’s possible for you, right now with the Scalarwave Laser Family of Products.
The first choice of CHIROPRACTORS, ESTHETICIANS, LASER THERAPISTS, YOGA INSTRUCTORS and ENERGY WORKERS is now available to you without a prescription.
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"We are filled with this light."
Shiva Rea

The scalar pad is a revolutionary new approach to wellness pads that uses a patented scalar approach that is similar to our other scalarwave technology, though it is non-medical. The scalar pad is used in conjunction with the Scalar Lotus Laser.

The wellness pad uses layers of bamboo, ormus and scalar circuits that induce subtle scalar energy along the spine and to open the
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"Stillpoint is my friend."
Attendee to a Stillpoint Seminar
"Everyone needs this laser in their home!"
Daphne, Practitioner

"You definitely want the QiFi in the room where you sleep!"
Margaret, Happy customer

"We need that light. We need this energy...We're a little laser-crazy in tthis house!"
Eva, Laser Therapist

The Scalar Alchemy Charging Plates are handmade wooden plates that are designed to be plugged in to the Scalar Alchemy Portal Tuner. They are uniquely designed to work with the Scalar Portal Tuner to induce and activate unique sacred scalar energy onto whatever is placed on the charging plate.
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Reach out for information, discount specials, wholesale pricing, easy financing and easy referral program, call us at
"I'm a marine and I injured my ankle in a combat exercise. I used the laser and the pain has yet to come back."
- Actual Customer uses the Scalarwave Laser for pain relief
"After just 5 treatments, my client woke up one day with no desire for caffeine."
- Practitioner uses the Scalarwave Laser to relieve stress and tension
"Met with Paul and did one session and that night I slept ten hours. I couldn't believe it!"
- Insomniac uses the Scalarwave Laser to relieve stress and rest
"I worked with my laser and six days later, I can move my arm in any direction."
- Customer uses the Scalarwave Laser to recover a frozen shoulder.

For questions, special pricing and ongoing training, feel free to contact us
Aloha ...
Take a deep breath in ... and rest here ...
in the space between the breath ... You have arrived ...
... Welcome to the Stillpoint